Protect Your Data Against a Data Breach
Data Security that Works without the false positives Automatically on-premises, at the endpoint & in the cloud. GTB catches what others miss!
Book a DemoEnterprise Data Security that Works!
Smart Intelligence & Accurate
Real-Time & Accurate, a Content-Aware Reverse Firewall inspects, classifies and analyzes ALL outbound &/ inbound data transmissions in real time. ALL Channels and ALL types of data, structured and /or unstructured, including OCR detection & Cloud (AWS, Azure, Google). Including Email DLP.
DLP, UBA, ITM with OCR and Fingerprint
OPSWAT Certified. OFF-Premises, real-time Fingerprint Detection for Data in Use!! No other solution can. Email DLP, Data Classifier, Control Wireless, OCR, SSL w/o a proxy, POS, Social Media, Email, Applications such as BOX, Dropbox & more!
Data Discovery, Classification
Accurately Discover, Locate, Identify, Classify & Inventory - your critical data including Exchange, PST/OST, NAS, SharePoint, Fileshares, Local Storage, Cloud Storage (Google, BOX, Dropbox, OneDrive ..), including OCR detection.
Cloud Security & Application Control
Control data from / to a myriad of sources— laptops, database exchanges, all cloud services and infrastructures, such as AWS, Amazon Cloud, Azure, Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Cloud, Google Docs, Google Drive, Office 365, OneDrive, Salesforce, Skype for Business and more to Shadow IT (BYOx). GTB's CASB with a Twist
Content Aware, Digital Rights Management
Comprehensive access control to sensitive data for internal and external users. The system automatically controls 4 Ws WHO can access the information, WHAT can recipients do with the information, WHEN can each user access the information & WHERE the information can be used.
File & Data Auditor
Control data from a myriad of sources— laptops, database exchanges, all cloud services and infrastructures, such as AWS, Amazon Cloud, Azure, Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Cloud, Google Docs, Google Drive, Office 365, OneDrive, Salesforce, Skype for Business and more to Shadow IT (BYOx). GTB's CASB with a Twist.

Keep your data secure and protected, effortlessly
Obtain Compliance with Regional, Country & Industry Data Protection Regulations
- Zero False Negatives
- Zero False Positives
- Off-network Universal Policy Enforcement
- Drip DLP
- OCR - Network, Endpoint & Discover
- Value delivered immediately using GTB's single agent cloud solution
- Real-time security, at scale and adaptable
- Single-tenancy models offering stronger isolation
- Discovery & Classification Automatically, in Real-time
- Differential Fingerprints
- DLP that Works
Stop Breaches, before Insiders steal your data!

Compliance And Security Made Simple
Obtain Compliance with Regional, Country & Industry Data Protection Regulations

Data Protection
Protect sensitive data on Computers, Laptops, Servers, Cloud repositories, and Cloud workloads, with Real-time, accurate monitoring & protection!

Always Protected
From an Intellectual Property, Compliance, and APT perspective, no one competes!
Expert Team Who Are Behind
the Whole Security

Morgan Cooper
Ceo & founder
Amanda Brown
Harry Peterson
Security Head
Michel Donald
David Harrison
Duglas Rovland
Cyber analyst
Kiara Montesino
Christina Jonson
Ethical HackerAwards